Beauty Queen Podcast
Beauty, inside and out! Let's be real...beauty fades over time, but our internal beauty is everlasting. Join Janice each week with inspirational stories from across the Globe! This podcast is about Pageantry, and those who love it!!!
Beauty Queen Podcast
How STRESS can affect our bodies. Learn how grief and loss are trapped in our bodies and how we CAN release that pain.
Do you have pain? Grief? Or do you get sick easily or feel down at times? We all have something, and much of the time, it can be those traumas and pain of our past that have settled into our body. Stress is REAL and can cause sickness.
Today you will learn how trapped trauma and grief affects us and CAN be released. Rocky Brueseke helps release pain and grief as a licensed Emotion Code Practitioner.
About Rocky
I lost my husband. This was such a shock. You walk through the motions during those first few days. When the door closed on that last one who left my home, it really hit me. I’m alone. We had our entire retirement planned. And now it, it’s not.
That was at the beginning of covid. The country shut down 6 weeks later. Talk about loneliness. No human contact. No hugs of comfort. St. Patrick’s Day my best friend of 40 years lost her battle with breast cancer. No hugs. The funeral on video from my living room. My sister died on June 1st. No visitors during her 3-week hospital stay. My grandson’s close friend, 9 yo, passed suddenly. An aunt died. How much grief can there be? I’m a strong independent woman but really?
Midsummer, when churches began gathering again, I attended a Grief-Share program which was excellent. Our leader was so compassionate and had her own losses. I highly recommend this program.
I was trying so hard to crawl out of that deep, dark winter hole I had been in. Then a friend in my homeopathy study group introduced us to The Emotion Code. I’m familiar with energy healing modalities and have had success with craniosacral and reiki. My chiropractor uses muscle testing. I use a form of muscle testing. But the results of just a few sessions of releasing trapped emotions gave me the strength to keep going.
Yes, recent grief was addressed, but there was grief from the loss of other loved ones. The grief of disappointments throughout life… broken dreams, broken relationships.
It’s emotions that you were not able to process at the time that went into hiding within your body, to possibly later resurface as emotional or physical issues years down the road.
I became Emotion Code Certified.
I never imagined I would be doing this for others. With my nursing knowledge, I immediately felt comfortable with the process of identifying deeply trapped emotions within the body. Once identified, they are easily released.
GIVEAWAY: get your FREE Emotion Code/emotional release session here:
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