Beauty Queen Podcast

Beauty influencers tell Beauty Call the root cause to aging and acne and how to REVERSE it!

Clearstem Skincare gurus Danielle and Kayleigh Season 3 Episode 66

What you will learn today:

  • The Root Cause of Acne: How to get to the root cause of your acne through a holistic look at your life beyond the products that you are using: hormones, digestion, nutrition and gut health 
  • Prevention: How to spot and remove pore-clogging ingredients in your skincare routine 
  • Co-Founder Therapy: Why Kayleigh and Danielle attend therapy together and how they keep their business partnership healthy and thriving as co-founders
  • Self-Funded Business Success: How Kayleigh and Danielle built CLEARSTEM and tripled their revenue on one year without taking outside investment 

You can find CLEARSTEM on Instagram here, Kayleigh here, and Danielle here 

Danielle became known as The Acne Guru™ when she founded The San Diego Acne Clinic. After dealing with acne for ten years and three failed rounds of accutane, she took her acne health into her own hands and created the clinic’s 98% success rate in improving acne for others. Kayleigh, a Holistic Nutritionist, became a patient after her own dead-end quest to cure her own acne. After seeing the results that Danielle was able to deliver for Kayleigh, the two decided to join forces to help others clear their own skin. And with that, CLEARSTEM was born!

CLEARSTEM Skincare is an anti-aging and anti-acne skincare line with zero hormone disruptors and zero toxins. The WHY behind the brand is that anti-acne products age you and anti-aging products cause acne, which is why Kayleigh + Danielle created CLEARSTEM


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